Keymaster Games, LLC (“Keymaster”) is committed to the long-term interests of not only Keymaster but also our distributors, resellers, and brick and mortar stores, and their customers. To support this mission, Keymaster is establishing this Retailer Policy (“Policy”) to express Keymaster’s preferences in pricing of Keymaster products.



This Policy is a unilateral statement of Keymaster’s preferences for its resellers. Resellers remain free to establish their own prices and it is not the purpose of this policy to restrict, coerce, force, or reach agreement with any reseller to charge a particular price for any Keymaster product.

1. Definitions

  • End-User: An individual customer who purchases a product from a retailer, who is intending to use the product for the customer’s personal use, and who is not intending on reselling the product.
  • Keymaster Product: Any product currently being sold by Keymaster as part of its current product listings.
  • MAP: The minimum advertised price for any Keymaster Product as specified on the Keymaster Retail Site or that Keymaster otherwise communicates to You.
  • You: Any reseller, distributor, vendor, electronic store, brick and mortar store, or other venue that sells Keymaster Products to End Users.

2. MAP Policy

  • Do not advertise a Keymaster Product at a price below that of the Keymaster Product’s published MAP.
  • Keymaster will, without assuming any liability, cancel all orders and refuse to accept any new orders for any Keymaster Product should You fail to comply with the Policy.
  • This MAP Policy is applicable in the USA and Canada.
  • Keymaster may, in its sole discretion, provide a list of Keymaster Products exempted from this Section 2 of the Policy.
  • Keymaster may identify periods of time where the MAP Policy is not applicable to retailers. Information about these times will be provided on the Keymaster website.
  • Keymaster may provide additional information regarding this Policy from time to time in the form of Frequently Asked Questions to be made available on its website.
  • Keymaster will unilaterally determine whether Keymaster Products are being advertised, offered, or sold in compliance with this Policy.

3. Sales Channel Restrictions

  • You may sell Keymaster games on their own company owned webstores, but may not sell Keymaster games as a 3rd party seller on any webstores including, but not limited to:
    • B&

4. General

  • This policy is non-negotiable and will not be altered for You or any other retailer.
  • Nothing in this Policy shall constitute an agreement between Keymaster and You.
  • If you choose, you may forward information about non-compliance with this Policy to However, be advised that no Keymaster employee or personnel will acknowledge receipt, respond, or follow-up on what you report nor will they discuss enforcement of the Policy.

Current US Keymaster Product Listing with MAP information

Current Canadian Keymaster Product Listing with MAP information